Monday, February 6, 2012

Law of Karma

This is another spiritual Law of Success -- "Law of Karma" -- from Deepak Chopra's famous book "The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success"

Law of Karma:-

Karma is both action and the consequence of that action; it is a cause and effect simultaneously.
What you sow is what you reap is a common saying and is a direct outcome of the Law of Karma
We should be consciously aware of the choices we make in life.
Note:- Everything that is happening at this moment is a result of the choices we have made in the past. Many of us make choices unconsciously and therefore do not even realize that they are the choices we are making.
If a girl rejects a guy for some reason...two things will happen..The boy feels bad and offended or he will keep moving thinking there is goodies in this too. So it is also a choice ..a choice to keep yourself happy or keep thinking and feeling bad.

When you make a choice, ask yourself two things:-
1. What are the consequences of this choice that I am making ?-- Your heart will give you the answer
2. Will this choice that I am making now brings happiness to me and to those around me?
If the answer to both these questions is YES, then feel free to make this choice
Note:- Your heart knows the correct answer most of the times...Most of us think that heart is a sentimental, but actually it is not. It helps us in decision making. Heart is intuitive. Follow your heart....It is important.

Past Karmas:-
What about our past Karmas and how is it influencing us now?
There are three things we can do about our past karmas:-
1. Pay your karmic debts
2. Transform your karma into a more desirable experience. Ask yourself what can I learn from this experience. What and why is this thing happening and what is the message the universe wants to give me? How can I make this experience more useful to my fellow humans. This helps you to get a seed of dharmic opportunity.
Transmutation of karma into a positive experience wherein others can learn from your experience is very important and a good thing you can do to pay back your karmic debts.
3.The third way to deal with Karma is to transcend it. To transcend Karma is to become independent of it. It is like washing a dirty piece of cloth in a stream of water. Every time you wash it, you take away a few stains. You keep washing it again and again, and each time it gets a little cleaner. You wash the seeds of your karma by going into the gap and coming out again. This is done through meditation.

Try to become a conscious choice maker. This will help you to generate actions that are evolutionary for you and for those that are around you.

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