Saturday, February 23, 2013

Karma yogi

Karma Yoga or 'selfless service' is the act of offering our services for the benefit of others. It purifies the heart of selfish negative emotions and takes us further along the path in our spiritual evolution. Karma Yoga comes naturally to people of outgoing or service-oriented nature, giving natural expression to devotion and wisdom. Karma yoga is the foundation of all yoga and helps us free ourselves to act with compassion and devotion in any situation life presents. Karma Yoga offers a great opportunity to transform mundane activities into spiritual practice, cultivating an attitude of caring while centered in the inner peace which is our very nature. When we apply the simple teachings to our work, it becomes our worship and helps us feel more connected and in the flow with the dharma of life. In this day and age, we will rarely find people doing things for the sake of doing them. Most of us do things because we expect to be rewarded in the end. For instance, we go to work and do our job well so that we will get compensated or have our salaries increased. But it shouldn't always be the case, as illustrated by Karma Yoga which a Hindu concept that refers to our attitude towards duty. Karma Yoga is the concept wherein one must do an action selflessly for the Supreme Being. It means that we offer the fruits of our labor to the Lord instead of seeking to have them for our own. Doing so truly liberates us because we do not get tied to the consequences of our actions. What does it mean to be liberated in the sense of Karma Yoga? It means that when we do not get attached to our action, we do not get burdened by it. When we become unburdened by the act, it brings forth ease in doing it. This might come to those unfamiliar with the concept as a big and lofty but aimless talk. How then would Karma Yoga figure into our everyday life? Take for example taking care of an elderly in a nursing home. Imagine yourself as being one of the caregivers. The most likely reason that you got that job is because you were expecting a financial compensation for the hours you worked there. By focusing on the compensation, you cease to care about what you're really doing there and everything becomes work to you. However, if you start distancing yourself from the financial compensation and just focus on selfless service as taught by Karma Yoga, things tend to become easier. What you are doing now ceases to become work. You begin taking good care of them instead of doing just the usual routine of attending to their needs. Do not fret though, as you will also start seeing much more fruitful rewards here like a smile from the person that you are taking care of. Sure, it may not be a financial reward but a great reward nonetheless to top off the money that you are getting from your work. :)

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